速報APP / 音樂與音效 / Dubstyler Dubstep Music Drum Machine & S

Dubstyler Dubstep Music Drum Machine & S



檔案大小:51.6 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Dubstyler Dubstep Music Drum Machine & Synthesizer(圖1)-速報App

DubStep arrives in style on your iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch with Dubstyler Lite!

Featuring gorgeous retina graphics and full screen support for the latest iPhone & iPad devices!

Rock your beats with up to 45 Loops*! (9 in Dubstyler Lite version upgradeable to 45 via in-app purchase!)

Add some One-Shot FX with up to 60 One-Shot hit FX*! (12 in Dubstyler Lite upgradeable to 60 via in-app purchase!)

Dubstyler Dubstep Music Drum Machine & Synthesizer(圖2)-速報App

Use Slice Effect to cut and stutter the samples from the One-Shot FX Bank!

Had enough sounds yet? No we didn't think so!

So why not enjoy 10 different keyboard sounds to use with the built in synthesizer! Plus 2 Drum banks D1 & D2 which allow you to create drum beats using the keyboard!

Featuring inbuilt recording facility why not record your best beats down and play them back to your friends and show off to see who can create the best, bass pumping, beat flyin' melodies!

Dubstyler Dubstep Music Drum Machine & Synthesizer(圖3)-速報App

It's here, it's now, Dubstyle lets go!

支援平台:iPhone, iPad